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test bill ingram

15th Jul 2021


Bleil, Dr. Eugene

Service: Army Air Corps

I have two interviews that were taken in November of 2011 with Dr. Bleil.  On the first interview which covers his history from Dec 7th 1941 (the 8th of Dec. in the Philippines).  Quickly Dr. Bleil who is a airplane mechanic until the attack by the Japanese is given 15 minutes of infantry training and literally fights for his life every day for the next three and a half years.  He finds a 27 caliber machine gun that was buried by  Japanese spies on the Bataan peninsula which he uses for the next four months of savage fighting.  He tells of the surrender by General King to stop a completer slaughter of the 75,000 men on the Bataan peninsula.  He then tells of the 65 mile Bataan Death March.  He has written his account of the Bataan Death March in a book just released last fall titled   “Consigned to death six times”.

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