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15th Jul 2021


Bakker, Amy

Posted on 4 October, 2012 by in ,

Amy was born in Java Indonesia in 1920. She was part Indonesian and Dutch. She was married to a Dutchman who ran a rubber plantation on Java when the war broke out on Dec. 8th (the same day as the attack on Pearl Harbor, Java was across the International date line). Her husband Paul was taken as a POW by the Japanese in March of 1942 and she did not see him again for five years. She did not know if he was alive for several years. Paul was taken as a slave laborer to work on the Burma/Thailand railroad project, better known as the Bridge on the River Kwai from the movie made in 1957. The movie was a poor representation of the sufferings that were endured there.

During Mr. Bakker’s captivity his weight dropped to about 85 lbs. Amy had two small daughters to raise as well as being responsible for her father and younger brother. She had absolutely no money. She was able to stay alive by selling some white sheets to Indonesians who used them to bury there loved ones in. She also did sewing for the women who had material for a dress. Amy had only two dresses for the entire war.

Click to read a Testimonial Letter addressed to Larry from Amy’s Children


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