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15th Jul 2021


McGrath, Jack

Posted on 15 September, 2021 by in ,

November 14, 2012

Page 40 Notebook 3


Jack McGrath Born Sept. 1924- 11th Airborne, 511 Rev. HQ1 Machine Gun Platoon Medic

Passed away in Fall of 2015


March 1943 Jack volunteered for the draft because his mother would not let him go into the service because she had lost two of her brothers in World War 1. Jack fought in Manila, Raid on Los Banos, Genko line from Manila to Batangas. Ft. McKinley Jack talks about an “old man” who was actually 45 years old, Japanese that the American’s kept as a “friend”. He wore an American jacket and helmet, and Jack got very emotional talking about him. Jack does not know if he lived or not. He wanted to write a note to protect the Japanese man but could not because Jack had no paper. Jack had to walk down hill with no skin on his feet because of jungle rot!




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