Rex Welsh

Rex was in the 82nd Airborne.  He made four combat jumps in July 1943 he jumped into Sicily, Sept. 1943 into Salarno Italy, June 6th 1944 D-day into Normandy France, Sept 17th in to Holland.  He was a 81mm mortar man.  The 82nd saw extensive combat in the Battle of the Bulge in Dec. 1944.  This man has about as much combat as any man I have interviewed in 15 yrs of doing this oral history project.  REX WILL BE AT THE LIBRARY TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS.  IF YOU THINK OF ANY QUESTIONS THAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO ASK REX JUST WRITE TO ME AT LARRY@LMWW2.COM SO WE CAN PUT THEM IN SOME TYPE OF ORDER.  I WOULD LIKE TO HEAR FROM YOU WITH QUESTIONS.  ALSO PLEASE BRING A FRIEND WITH YOU TO THE PROGRAM ESPECIALLY YOUNG PEOPLE SINCE THEY DO NOT HEAR ABOUT THIS HISTORY IN SCHOOL.  

Where: Lincoln Township Public Library

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